Thursday, February 20, 2014

maybe not spring yet....but thrilling signs of...!

 I feel pretty dang lucky most of the time.  It has been impossibly COLD and snowy all winter.  OK, maybe average  for Ithaca, but Ithaca averages a lot of snow and cold.  Manitoba is NORTH of North Dakota, and a whole LOT worse, but I don't live there, do I?  So this seems bad enough...since Thanksgiving when we had our first blizzard!  But yesterday?

SIGNS OF HOPE!  A little sun, 42 degrees, I saw a flock of DOZENS of robins!  They were skinny and trying hard to poke for food at a little thawed patch of mud.

Other signs of an awakening:  I am not lazy at all, but it is always nice when a gallery or shop you like approaches YOU, ditto a good show.  You love to be loved in this business, and in the last 2 days both an awesome shoppe and also an awesome show both came to me, yesssssss...nice start to the retail season :)

Speaking of which, buy some of my stuff, MOTHER'S DAY is coming!!!!!! New items at my etsy shoppe now!piggy mugelephants on a cupblue teapot with a dog


  1. you are off to a great start for 2014, congrats!

  2. This may be your best year yet! I've got my fingers crossed for you. :-)

  3. Sounds like a nice day all around. I think you're one of the last people I would call lazy.

  4. Live from Manitoba....We're actually above zero. Every time that happens, it snows! After the snow, ripping winds, temps plunge below zero F, C and anybody else's measurement.

    Right now, post snow pre's a bit of a break. I'll keep sipping coffee from my beagle mug by Gary!
