Thursday, November 21, 2013

in which I get a NEW video camera and immediately film Penny and Yogi playing....

I have a new video camera.  I havn't made a video and posted it in awhile, WATCH OUT!
(I am reminded of David Sederis describing his voice as "sounding like a little girl" which I think describes me as well....)


  1. Good boy, good boy, Gary! Great start of a new view on the world!

  2. They are so cute!
    You have a fine tenor voice, Gary! To me you sound like Dennis Day, a famous Irish tenor and sometimes the comic sidekick of Jack Benny, and that dates me dreadfully...LOL!

  3. Ha! Love it when Yogi jumps up on the camera!

  4. Oh for Cute! Such sweet pups.....Yogi looks like the typical puppy handful!
    Keep recording...and no, you don't sound like a girl!
