Tuesday, November 5, 2013

hanging out with the QUEEN and what is hanging over my head...

REALLY!  I was dreaming just now that I was marrying a minor English princess and this amounted to some kind of whirlwind horse drawn coach through London streets with millions of royalists on street corners cheering ME...and, of course, the Queen doing her little wave.
The Queen was not really interested in me.  She has this sort of remote, cool reserve, so that she is an island surrounded by a deep sea. But she knows how to be at the center of these little pageants. I remarked that this is a VERY healthy family, always surrounded by all these people and their germs and never a runny nose in public... How about that, marrying into the royal family?  Wonder what my wife thinks about this development....

Hanging over my head is this wee flying pig....it is MINE all mine!

(flying pig by Gary Rith)


  1. I shall resist saying pigs might fly. Instead I am wondering did that pig escape from the teapot? I'm not sure what to make of the dream. No doubt someone who knows how to interpret dreams will be of more help.

  2. I'd have to plow through those Jungian texts again....but in the end, "your dream, your rules". Love the piggy in a plane!

  3. And while you're dreaming of marrying princesses, that pig is flying around the lighting you've strung so helpfully nearby!

  4. LOL...that dream is crazy funny. And the fact that you noticed they didn't get ill? TOO funny. That will come true the day pigs fly. WHAT? THey fly????

  5. The pig...awesome!
    The Queen...looks like my dearly departed grandmother. Seriously.
