Saturday, November 30, 2013

day TWO open studio

(new bowls by Gary Rith--I have been fiddling with this dark green glaze, dang it is a nice color, with a metallic sheen...big surprise!  It shows ridges and textures nicely, and is always begging for FROGS)

So busy open studio Friday I didn't even GET PICTURES?  NEVER!
I figured it would be quiet Friday, unlike my October open house when the weather is nicer and tourists are out.
NO NO!  A minute after opening I have the nice people in here looking a matter of fact, yesterday was TWICE as busy as the October open house, gosh I am grateful....I explain to people that "If I worked at WalMuck everybody and anybody would come in...but here?  Ohmygosh, only the absolute nicest people ever seem to shop for pottery!".  I mean, wow, a cold day of warm fuzzies!

It was a hectic day.  I have 2 cat sitting jobs this weekend, Scoop and Puffy!  Talk about WARM FUZZIES! Have a great Saturday yourself!


  1. It's so nice when you have a great turn out.

    Our sale opened yesterday; we were busy all day!

    May it continue.

  2. Awww that Tortie looks a lot like my old girl (gone 15 years now), Topaz. She was a GREAT cat!

  3. I love that green glaze! Glad you had a successful open house.

  4. Is the tortie's name Scoop?
