Wednesday, November 13, 2013

a couple inches more...

In other news I was dreaming that I was at a Green Day concert and M!tt R0mney was there!  He and I were talking, he was less of a stuffed shirt and weasel than I had thought, and somebody got stabbed with a screwdriver up by the stage....then I dreamt I signed up for the army.  Whoa.

My southern friends are surprised that we saw snow in October, and have had snow off and on since Friday and quite a bit yesterday and today...maybe 2-5 inches depending where you look.  Our road is covered with unplowed snow now, and cars are creeping past.  Our plows are usually excellent, but ......maybe they are still getting the plows mounted....
ANYWAY, it is entirely normal.  Lake Erie and Lake Ontario dump snow on us October-May. Because the wind usually blows from the northwest, we get more snow than southern Canada!

I was standing in the door simply to take a shot out back, and Spike cat stepped outside for the first time in his life...he was VERY curious...then headed right back into the house!


  1. What an adventure Mr. Spike had...coming outside to see that wonderful snow. (I know, it won't be so wonderful in a month or two or 3)

  2. We had some big wet flakes coming down last night, luckily no accumulation.

    I don't agree with a lot (most) of M!tt's politics but I do think he is probably a good guy. My niece works for him and his wife taking care of their horses at their summer home in NH. They have been very good and very generous to her.

  3. That's a crazy dream!

    I see those first flakes and I get all excited. Then after a couple months I start shaking my fist and grumbling.
