Monday, September 30, 2013

life is not a beauty contest but big, beautiful and bodacious bagels are a bonus

You will recall that I tried making gluten-free bagels last week, the first time!  I used Nicole Hunn's GLUTEN-FREE ON A SHOESTRING recipe book.

I had only made a half recipe, and like I said, the first ones were a little ugly and a little little, so I knew I would nail it when I made them again and I DID!  So pretty, so tasty!  I added poppy and caraway seeds, and you can see they puff up and get big and lovely...and YES!  You get to boil them....the whole thing is easier than you think, wicked fun....
have a great MONDAY!


  1. Those are the best looking home made bagels ever...and I bet tasty to boot! Happy Monday yourself

  2. You make bagel baking look like a piece of cake! I know they're supposed to be dense and chewy; mine are more like cannonballs!

  3. I've never seen home made bagels look so good. Well done.
