Saturday, September 28, 2013

I was expecting better....

Ever have that sinking feeling?  You're working away, decorating the pots with little bunnies, and your nose turns into a faucet?  Scratchy eyes, sneezes?
I got a lot done yesterday morning, had a last second dog walking gig at noon with my box of tissues, and then crawled into bed around one thirty and stayed there till this morning.
I planned to feel better this am, and I can say I AM RESTED.
You know how some colds linger?  This one is not done with me yet, I was expecting better...maybe I will glaze this morning then crawl back into bed....
No doubt there was a careless person who had this cold last week and used the ATM just before I got there (or the person at the post office sneezing all over or know what I mean).

Doesn't matter.  By the time you read this I will be in perfect good health again I am sure.

ANYWAY, I was dreaming just now that I was hosting a big party.   I seemed to be single and living in the sort of built in the 70s 2 story apartment bldg that are everywhere.... so many people were at my party you could hardly move, all over the lawn, everywhere!  I knew just a few people, all the rest were strangers who had come....just before I awoke I grabbed the camera and my beagle and a big plate of muffins so that I could pass out muffins and get pictures of the dog lunging at people to try and steal them so I could blog all that the next day....
(new bottles by Gary Rith)


  1. Get better soon, Gary. Or take a few days to soak up that rest. So sorry to hear you've got the virus of the nose!

  2. Hope the rest put you back to full health...I wonder how a "party scene" fits in your world.
    As an introvert, I like parties where I can be with 2-3 people and have a nice lengthy chat. I'd probably feel tired after mingling with everybody and meeting a room full of people I hadn't previously known.

  3. Rest up and your runny nose will be gone in no time. I have become a hand washing freak over the year. I think the grocery store is the germiest place of all!

  4. Yuck. My middle kid has allergies and is all stuffy now, too. I feel so bad for him.
