Sunday, September 22, 2013

3 random lazy-azz things...

Ever wake up, yawn, feel too lazy to upload photos so you blog post 3 random lazy-ass things instead? Like the haiku you wrote about your toe?

The eggplant colored toe haiku, by me:

The toe I stubbed
Yesterday was black but now
A pretty purple

Or even that with what, 3 years and 1 1/2 months until the next presidential election, you just clicked "LIKE" Hillary for 2016?  That woman sure as heck is experienced and TOUGH, there is a lot I like about her.  Now people are gonna be bugging me for donations every week.

And finally LLOYD Dobler!  We just saw SAY ANYTHING for the first time.  It seemed like a dumb movie at first, but John Cusack and his character are very good.  And you see the uptight girl mellow out a bit and the VERY uptight father go to jail YAY!

The wife met John Cusack at a party right around the time he did this movie (I swear TO GOD).  She was friends with the Malkovichs (think: John Malkovich's family) and they were friends with the Cusacks and Laurie Metcalfe (the sister in the Roseanne show).  Anyway, I am name dropping here, although it is all true.  
My wife met John Cusack at a party in the 80s and he said he was an actor and she said "Oh, have you done anything I might have seen???" and he already had several famous movies under his belt by then....
I asked "is he tall?" and the wife reassured me "He IS, but I love YOUR dark and curly looks".
John Cusack has those puppy dog eyes, no question....


  1. I gave her my heart and she gave me a pen.

    Jen H

  2. Wake Up!

    When I am sleeping
    In, cats and dog nuzzle me
    With, cold wet noses.

    Great story!

  3. Nice one, Jen H!

    "I don't want to sell anything, buy anything, or process anything as a career. I don't want to sell anything bought or processed, or buy anything sold or processed, or process anything sold, bought, or processed, or repair anything sold, bought, or processed. You know, as a career, I don't want to do that."

    Sorry, Gary. You'll have to break it to your lovely wife that John is mine. :)

  4. Your post is uber funny....and the comments above me FUNNY as well!
    I love that movie. I can't believe you have JUST now watched it. Didn't you just love Lloyd's honesty? A great story for sure.
    Sorry about your toe...but speaking of eggplants....I have a bunch growing in my garden! {{Eggplant Parm!}}

  5. Fun stuff, except the toe. I hope it heals quickly and you can still walk the pups.

  6. That movie raised the bar impossibly high for romantic gestures...
    Poor toe-but good haiku.
    And that is some SERIOUS name-dropping! But how cool to have met them.

  7. Okay, so she met John, but it was filmed in SEATTLE when I lived in SEATTLE!!

    Right. That doesn't quite make me cool.

    Your toe haiku is awesome.
