Friday, July 5, 2013

the cutesie post....

What grown man admits that he and his wife wore matching pastel tee shirts?  What grown man admits he has collected teddy bears...and then makes a teddy bear sculpture????

You will recall last week I showed a cookie jar I made with the first bear I have made on I made this bear with his teddy...a wall piece!

(sculpture by Gary Rith)
And like I was saying about those was a happy accident, honest! We didn't plan it!!!!

We made corn salsa for dinners....with avocado, then we made tortillas, HOLY CATS that is so perfect I think we gotta do it again for lunch and dinner TODAY!
Have an awesome Friday yerself!


  1. That's a 'dorable bear with a teddy! I want to come and eat with you and Maude! Yummmmmm!

  2. You're double cuddle trouble...and I don't mean the tee-shirts! One bear is cuddly...two know.

  3. A sensitive caring man wears pastel t-shirts, collects teddy bears, and makes teddy bear sculptures! A couple weeks ago, Jeff and i were at the wood firing in Carthage and I realized we were both wearing NH Potters Guild t-shirts, mine in pink, his in teal. No one even noticed!

  4. Great photos. I like how each bear has her/his own personality conveyed by the angle of eyes or mouth. Great stuff!

  5. Sweet people have sweetness all around and Maude...teddies....Penny and Spike. Enjoy the day.

  6. Adorable!!! I am in love with the teddy bears!

  7. You two are "corny" in those matching tees!

  8. Cute is GOOD. Love the tee shirts and the dinner too!
