Friday, June 28, 2013


The Boston Bruins, Chicago Cubs, Chicago Bears, Smokey, TEDDY! Winnie! Koalas, pandas...polar, black, grizzly!!!!!
There is EVERYTHING to lovvvve about bears.
I draw them well.
But I have never made any.
I was topping this large cookie jar and asked myself "what up top?  I have had enough frogs, pigs and dogs for the day....."
It turned out GREAT.  Must make more!

(bear jar by Gary Rith)

I baked a vegan, gluten-free crust pizza was !!!!!!!!!!!!! know how the store suddenly has blueberries wicked cheap?  We made blueberry jam last night... THERE WILL BE MORE!  Strawberry jam is our favorite...except for BLUEBERRY JAM...and later in summer raspberry jam...or peach...anyway, the house smells incredible!

In other news, just listed this piggy bank...ther eis all kinds of great stuff at my etsy gallery, go and buy some of it for yerself!
pink piggy bank


  1. Bears! Stephen Colbert would quake in his fancy lace up shoes....the bear what a perfect addition to a cookie jar...or a coffee mug perhaps?

  2. Love the bear! I'm headed up north next week and thinking there is some farmer's market fruit with my name on it. Nice that I could have Florida berry season in "winter" and now have summer berry season too!

  3. And perhaps some Pandas?
    Happy jamming!

  4. Great Bear. You just want to hug him.
