Thursday, February 14, 2013

the midwinter gloom needs this sh!t...

Well, actually, yesterday was sunny and 38, pretty darn wonderful! But overall, you know, we need as many Valentine's Days as possible, right???? A little color, fun, LOooooove?
I was making a couple of Valentines, the little Danish woven hearts, which you can put wee gifts into, and Spike, well, Spike jumped up and helped....

AND for breakfast just now with my LADY?  The dog and the cat, ever so helpful, joined me in making apple fritters!  VEGAN apple fritters no less, maybe the only thing as tasty as blueberry pancakes for breakfast???
Happy Valentine's Day all my schweet friends! Be nice to somebody today!


  1. Happy Valentine's Day, Gary and Maude.

  2. May you both have a happy day full of love.

  3. What would life be without a helper cat to get us going?

    Happy Hearts to you and Maude!

  4. Apple fritters and sweet little Scandinavian hearts! Also, elephant mugs. :)

  5. Spike does crafts too? Is there anything that cat can't do??? Happy Schweet day (a little late) to you and your crew!
