Friday, February 1, 2013


But first, I wrote a haiku in celebration of my most despised month, well, it is in 2nd place with January in first:

Is not a favorite month,
But better than

And a big step closer to
A glorious spring. :)

Nook and I were walking around downtown Ithaca Thursday...Cascadilla Falls, the bank where they give him treats, and... street art.... A SABER TOOTHED JACKALOPE! I was glad he could protect me....

I wanted a nice pic of all my elephant mug types occurred to me that light blue and spotted would be a good always is....ALSO you see here my first truly, head to toe, successful car bank...holy CATS I looooooove it...those things take forever! When I work on these things I try to make a balance of cute but not cutesie, tremendous but not twee, childlike but not childish, comic but not comical....I could go on :)
Have a great weekend!

(new pottery by Gary Rith)


  1. You associate with all the cutest pups! The car is perfect....but I appreciate the work that goes into them. I don't think people realize how complicated vehicles are.

    The TEAPOT is perfect. I tried to comment on Etsy but couldn't figure it out......never fear, I get thing eventually.

  2. Love the car...and having made 2 vehicles myself (not banks unfortunately) I know how much work can go into them. But yours was Thrown! not made from slabs, so it has that lovely roundedness about it too! I simply love the dog out the window, and his tongue flying. I know these sculptures should be in galleries. Or homes where they will be well loved!

  3. The car bank rocks. I really love the dog hanging out the window and the smiling grill.

  4. YEP, every part made on the wheel except the dog :) it is a LOT of parts....

  5. The car bank always makes me smile...even the car has a particular personality and attitude...and that pup---simply awesome!

  6. Awesome car bank, Gary! And you scored with the polka-dot elephant, too. :)
    Love the peeks at Ithaca art -- the saber-toothed jackalope is a first for me.
