Wednesday, January 23, 2013

feeling BANKsy....

You know I make piggy banks, and the other day I showed you a penguin bank, right? Then there was a robot bank and Godzilla eating coins bank last month...
I want to get organized and make a list of favorite banks to make.  I need to  make a complete section of banks for my website
They are NOT all created equal.  I have made zillions of the piggy banks since 1989, and their price is modest, the penguin too.  The rest of these?  Oh man, they are a lot of work, and like the robot and Godzilla, at least twice the price of a piggy bank...
anyway, this elephant was a new shape for my elephant banks and I love it.  You can see he is helping put away the coins.  Then there is the beagle bank below it...eating the coins!
I am also starting a series of the animals on the sides of the mugs down there, opposite the handle...goodness, such FUN!


  1. They are all so cute, it's hard to pick a favorite.

  2. Most of us think "piggy bank" and leave it at that....You have some clever ideas here--I got to thinking about how elephants are the figure for the GOP in the US--is there hidden symbolism/meaning behind animals that hold onto our money for us?

  3. who says a bank has to be a pig?! I have made a few other creatures on occasion. Jeff makes some really neat fishy banks.

  4. Now if you could make a fat cat bank....

  5. actually, I have made like 20 different types, including fish, duck, cat etcetcetc :)

  6. I love the piggy with a big cork snout. Reminds me of my fat pig that I had when I was little only yours is much more fancy and whimsical!

  7. Pigs and Robots and Godzillas! OHMY!!! I like Godzilla eating coins; he eats every thing else!

    And sunflowers......tis the season for bright flowers.

    Survive the cold!
