Friday, December 21, 2012

YOGI = the internet sensation!

You know I babysit Yogi, right?  (just so we have the count correct: Penny is my beagle, Nook and Yogi are 2 different dogs from different houses that I sometimes babysit).
Anyway, my old pal Trevor, Yogi's papa, is a man of few words.  The other day we are petting Yogi and he says, being fully aware of my exploitation of his dog in cute online pics "Yogi, the internet sensation!".  Believe me, he is such a cute and sweet pup, he DESERVES the attention.

Other titles for this post I considered were "away in a manger...with a golden doodle" and "still life with golden doodle".... We walked over to our village post office.  It is next to the church with the plastic Jesus, Mary and Joseph... the display is enlivened with puppies, right?

I made the family, as you might imagine, a gorgeous set of mugs with Yogi on there....

Can imagine driving around with this stupid bumper sticker?


  1. Yogi IS adorable. He looks great in the nativity scene. Really livens it up.

  2. Such a cute pup, he does make the plastic nativity look much better.

  3. Yogi's people are fortunate to have these mugs....the paw prints leading into the inside are brilliant!

    I have to admit I think the bumper sticker is kind of funny.

  4. Love the footprints inside the mug!

  5. Any display is better off with puppies!

  6. Comment moderation enabled...I hope I make the goes....Someone shared via You Tube Mr. Bean playing in a department store...he mixes in other toys with a nativity set. Quite funny,I thought.

  7. I love that the nativity scene is just sitting on the lawn like that, not in a display case or anything.

    I also love the top picture of Penny on the stairs. What on earth did you do to upset her so?
