Monday, December 10, 2012

intergalactic, planetary....

You grow up watching the Saturday afternoon CREATURE FEATURE with GODZILLA or fiendish and sinister robots and dream of one day making them may take more than 40 years, but FINALLY I can do it.... making this dude was SO MUCH fun but took forever, just out of the kiln, made entirely of wheel thrown parts, even the treads he has for feet!
robot bank by Gary Rith


  1. Fresh out of the kiln at 4:30 in the morning? Whew! Monsters and Gary get up EARLY.

  2. He's WONDERFUL! Can a robot be wonderful?

  3. Well, my childhood didn't include robots (generational deficiency) but if it had...this guy is delightful and deloverly...and I'd give him all my pennies in a flash! Excellent!
