Wednesday, November 21, 2012

you will be mine ALL mine....

See the vase here? (other than the cat, the table appears covered with pots by me, hmm?)
Last week I am thinking "I want a particular flower vase for US at Thanksgiving".  You may be
thinking "what, no doodads, no pigs, no dogs on there????".  Nope, just the new version of the old glaze I called Sammy, after my old cat's eyes (not to be confused with the glaze named Spike, which looks like HIS eyes).  Anyway, the wife and I were discussing how all the flowers at the store are brown and rust reds and oranges, same color as people's dinner of pumpkin pie and sweet potatoes and same color as the dead leaves and grass out there...why the fuch does everybody want to stinking decorate with RUST RED this week?  I mean, mother nature does it well, but forget decorating with it...give me a nice bright spring green ANY day of the year... WITH PINK!



  1. WOW! That is one elegant vase, Gary! The color will take any color flower you want to put in it.....and the shape is downright seductive!
    I agree about too much in the dark red to brown range. There's plenty of that outside.Give me PINK!

  2. This is a classic form, you have captured the vase any little flower wants to grow up to be placed in.

  3. That's one sexy, stroke-able vase, monsieur. Pink is always 'in' and never more than with a lovely pastel green.

  4. That vase is gorgeous, with and without the flowers.

  5. beeee-uuuu-tiiii-ful! Pink flowers are my favorite. That's one big tea mug you've got there too!

  6. Should my house ever be finished, that is exactly how I want my table to look. Minus potter and cat, however. In the meantime, my mums came back and add a nice splash of pink outside the front door - perfect on a gloomy fall day.

  7. So pretty and elegant, love Sammy's glaze!

  8. Your pottery is so beautiful. My Mom was an artist and she tried to learn to work with clay when her eyes got too bad to paint. She wasn't successful, however. I am amazed by anyone who can produce such graceful work. I enjoy your blog, thanks for posting. Have a happy (meatless) Thanksgiving.

