Friday, November 2, 2012

you probably think I SLACK all day....

People probably think "work at home artist" means sleep until noon then stretch out on the couch with the cat and dog all afternoon reading books, followed by pizza and beer at 5pm.
Believe what you want ;)

(piggy jar by Gary Rith)


  1. No way, not till pigs fly! And swirls that are applicayed too. (no idea spelling, but sound out, appli-cay-ed) This is a beauty! (don't you love posing with the's an important job and somebody's got to do it!)

  2. You all look so cozy on the couch.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. A picture is worth a thousand words.....

  5. 3:06!!!!! Where is the couch? The dog? THE CAT? Time to SLACK!!!!!!!

  6. It would be hard not to with those two cuddlers.

  7. You get up waaaaay to early and drink waaaaay too much coffee -- not to mention all the baking! -- to ever be considered a slacker. You seem to kick being a homemaker out of the ballpark! (No homemade calzones in my kitchen) And those happy pets, with Penny's multiple walkies, and the many MANY pots and vases and bowls and mugs, most of them adorned with adorable animals?

    Let's just say that there is probably a group of us ready to shout down anyone who would suggest you are a slacker.
    Not that I am opposed to slacking. I do it very, very well myself. :)
