Wednesday, November 14, 2012

things inside of things

(bowls by me)
You see me getting the little animales onto pots all kinds of ways, and them hanging off the rim inside is easiest....but you know?  I had never made an elephant using his trunk to hang on there! Now I have...seems wicked cute to me :)
And, well, you get home from the store and the cat has to be the thing inside the thing, which dogs find mystifying....


  1. Spike, you look so elegant in your bag.

    Cups for ultimate that elephant.

  2. It looks to me like these animals are just popping up to check out what's going on just beyond their little ceramic homes. Great stuff to start the day.

  3. The first pots of your that I saw were with the animals hanging off of them... a show at the LNHC headquarters in Concord, NH... gee, maybe back in 2005?

  4. they hang, they perch, they prowl, they lie, they sleep, they dance :) gr

  5. I love how our cats find cubby holes. My cat Nellie loves tucking up in my quilts.

  6. The elephant is so darn cute! LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!!
