Wednesday, November 28, 2012

if you want something done, give a task to a busy person?

Ever heard that saying?  I feel that way.  I have a fair this weekend at Nottoingham HS in Syracuse.  My friend Christi will be there and ALSO Dean, the man I apprenticed to nearly 30 years ago!  One of my oldest friends, wow.
SO, like a busy little elf, I am making a LOT of stuff...I need to fire that sh!t...therefore all those pots drying right this second next to the laundry over the heater...going into the kiln today they are....
have an awesome day!

You may find you need this piggy bank...or some other lovely pot from my etsy gallery!piggy bank


  1. banana.
    Banana who?
    Banana tickle............!!!!!!!!!!
    Shared to you from the grandchild who loves Knock-Knock jokes.

    Best get cracking on those pots!
    I hated to put the word verification back but they were all over my blog with comments on stuff. One older post had 17 post from the trolls...grrrrr

  2. The corollary to that is "What did I do with all my time before I started doing this?" Love the improvised shelving!

  3. The little ladder over the heater is very good for drying in winter, and sunshine outside is good in the summer, and atop a hot kiln is good anytime :) My clay body is pretty tough and can handle being quick dried within 12-24 hours for a firing.

  4. Yay Plowshares Festival! I'm getting ready madly for that too. Looking forward to seeing you there, not that we'll have any time out of our booths because it will be so very busy...!

  5. That's a good clay body. Yeah, I just got asked if I can make a bunch of soap holders by the 13th. Of what month? So we push it.

  6. I always say that the busier people are the more productive they are. It's the whole momentum motivates you keep up the pace.

    Ever notice that you often get lousy service at a restaurant on a slow day?

  7. I know I'm always more productive when I'm busiest. Unless I'm on pain meds... then I will not be held responsible for my actions...

  8. How you fit all the aspects of your life into a single day is amazing. Personally, I find if I'm too busy or rushed, the work (of whatever sort) suffers a bit. I guess I'm dial up in a high speed world:)
