Thursday, August 23, 2012

feast with the beasts (???) PART ONE

You are like HUH? GARY, is that a ring tailed LEMUR? I am so busy I cannot explain...will do so Friday...and dig my new sculpture below, robot rides Godzilla, GIDDYUP!


  1. Oh no!!! I forgot you were gonna be in my 'hood!!! I would have loved to see you at the zoo!! I hope it was wonderful!!

  2. That Lemur looks ready to jump on your head. Is that what you're going to explain on Friday? I think it is. I'm going with lemur on head.

  3. Do they have Therapy Lemurs at the Old Folk's Home now?

  4. Lemur? What lemur? (Just kidding!) I was too busy looking at that cool sculpture.

  5. Lemurs are so cute....but can't be trusted if you turn your back on them. You did see Madagascar didn't you?
