Monday, July 30, 2012

stick a robot on it...

You will recall that a week or so ago I was walking along with the dog and began wondering if I could make a robot on a pot...and I did!  I have made some sugar bowls with them, and this is a robot on a bottle.  Sure, that is a cork on there, this thing is ready for your olive oil or your...whatever! Sure looks like a whiskey bottle to me....
I was inspired to make a robot bottle because me and 2 of my pottery pals challenge each other to make and exhibit things here online...more on that later this week....

robot pot
detail, robot bottle by Gary Rith
robot pot
robot bottle by Gary Rith


  1. Great work, love how fun this is! The blue works really well with the robot theme : )

  2. I LOVE this!! What's next? Zombies? Hmmm...maybe not.

  3. Like the colors and the SWIRL on the front of that bottle - ties the whole robot thing together! COOL...

  4. I think I love your 'stick a robot on it' better than the put a bird on it. Cute!!!
