Tuesday, July 24, 2012

danger W!ll Robinson Danger!

YOU KNOW what inspires me don't you?  Everything!  So, you will recall, I have been making robots recently.  I had been walking the dog and it came to me "could I make a robot on the wheel???" and you KNOW it is tremendous fun.
The wife DEMANDED we keep the first of these sugar bowls "we need a sugar bowl with a robot on it so we can put olives in it" and I got a special spoon at an antique store for that very purpose....
then yesterday, when I went to make more?  I wondered if I could make a jar that IS a robot...


  1. You are the primo robot-maker. They are so darling! What's with olives in the sugar bowl, though! Revolutionary.

  2. olives in the sugar bowl, I KNOW, but it is what the gal asked for, she chose which jar, we had tasty olives, I got a SPECIAL spoon, and less than 24 hours after that jar was cooked at 2200 degrees it was full and in use....

  3. That's a great Robot jar!!! Totally rad.

  4. I find it fascinating to watch the process of creative evolution on your blog...you have a very interesting mind. I really like the new robot motif.

  5. That is really cute....and I love that your wife also demands things of you! She's a good one!

  6. Just what will you come up with next!!?? You are a doer, a trend setter- a mover and a shaker!

  7. Loving the robot jar. Robots and Godzilla or......... Droids and Dinosaurs!
    My nephews had a robot that shrieked.....the sriek went away fairly rapidly.
    There's always something interesting and fun at Gary's Blog!

  8. M has impeccable reasoning: "We need a sugar bowl with a robot on it so we can put olives in it."

    I think that is possibly the most brilliant thing I have heard all day. Seriously. Also, I am running off 2 nights of scarce hours of sleep, so that may have something to do with it. I appear to be rambling...
