Tuesday, May 22, 2012

just one pretty piece....

I throw a lot of stuff at you, dear readers, today just the one pretty piece...there is some patterning under the glaze which you can just see, the whole thing looks mighty good I think.

Here is a good joke, speaking of elephants:

Q-If you are riding a zebra next to an elephant and being chased by a lion, what do you do?
(see below!)
  (new pottery by Gary Rith)

A-When the music stops and you're not going up and down anymore, get off the merry go round!


  1. Great jar, and the subtle pattern looks super in that glaze. Elephant is also very cute.

  2. That is a really pretty jar, love the glaze.

  3. Such a jolly little elephant on top of a really cool jar!

    BTW love the photo of Penny in your header!

  4. What a pretty jar, love the colour and of course the very happy ele on top.
    Penny looks cute up top there too.

  5. Great jar,
    The joke...well...
    It did harken me back to the elephant jokes of my youth, however!
    "Why do ducks have flat feet?
    From stamping out forest fires...
    Why do elephants have flat feet?
    From stamping out flaming ducks..."

  6. PS: you used your nifty new rim tool at the bottom, right?

  7. That is a sweet piece...and a silly silly joke!
