Tuesday, April 10, 2012

pachyderms and pots....

You will recall last week I was telling you about making an elephant creamer....just outta the kiln with its buddies, teapot, mugs, sugar bowl! I will be adding these wonderful elephant items to my etsy shoppe a little later this morning, as a matter of fact :)

(elephant pots by Gary Rith)


  1. I love that their nose is the spout. So creative and adorable!

  2. They are so cute I'm sure they will sell out quickly.

  3. now that's a fun collection!
    you should find a zoo that carries hand crafted, not made in China, items in their gift shops.

  4. OOOOHHHHH.....Happy dancing elephants!

  5. Pachyderms....they are the best!!!

  6. Melbourne Zoo Australia has the best Elephant display...Organised like an Indonesian Village with the Elephants as working animals.I think your work would do very well there. Fantastic collection.

  7. This makes me want to become friends with an elephant lover just so I could get them this as a gift. Maybe someone I know is an elephant lover and they just haven't disclosed this information yet.
