Saturday, April 7, 2012

fetid, putrid, rancid....

The wife and I were giggling over that good old word "fetid" the other day, and realized it has 2 stinky ID sisters, putrid and rancid! Then I am walking with Penny yesterday at Cornell's wildflower garden and I see the Latin on this skunk cabbage...

Anna lives next to Pete and her daughter will turn 16 soon. She had written on her backpack years ago "Emma love dinosaurs and unicorns" as little kids do, and Pete asked me to think of.....
this wall piece, which flippin' cracks me up---out of the kiln 2 seconds ago, literally....dinosaur eating the unicorn, oh yes....
Friday afternoon I was going NUTS working at home, so i told the wife I would hike around Cornell's wildflower gardens then pick her too is Fall Creek...Cornell is SO beautiful, woods, rocks, flowers, gardens, hills everywhere you look...have a great Saturday!


  1. Thank you Gary - I know she will absolutely love it.

  2. Only you could come up with the unicorn eating dinosaur! Love it. :)

  3. nothing like a walk in the woods.
    may the Easter Beagle be good to you tomorrow!

  4. The english vocabulary does make me laugh too!
    Dinosaurs eating unicorns? Well, that explains why we don't have unicorns anymore!
    Love those gardens for a nice walk.
