Monday, March 26, 2012

primitive pursuits: ONE FACT and one dream Monday! we need you!

All my delightful friends, please share your personal fact and dream in comments, we want to hear from you!!!!!

My fact and dream? Can I try a haiku here at 6am?

Do bears sh!t in the
Woods? Dunno, but fact is, our
Weather? Cold again.

Speaking of sh!tting
In the woods: Septic guy comes
Today to pump ours.

So I dream of a
Routine visit from the man
With the magic suction....

Me and the wife had the big hike Sunday with the pup, in the woods...... glorious! Go to comments NOW!


  1. Testing to see if Blogger ate my previous post. ^@^

  2. Oh, guess it did. Thanks for nothing,

  3. O N spells on,
    right daddy?
    The Sun begins to overcome
    the stormfront

  4. The pear tree blossoms
    And so the birds too
    fluff out their feathers

  5. Do Beagles lay stretched out on a couch like they are slackers? Yes when the septic man is coming, boring to Beagle. lol lol lol :)
    Wow seriously love these photos, wonderful......I really love them all but the one with Penny stretched out is so cute....

  6. i am not a poet so i will just make a statement:

    Fact: we are having a surprise visit today from friends in Maryland!

    Dream: Someone, a real person or magical fairy, comes and does ALL the spring cleaning around here.

  7. Oh, I forgot about the fact and dream part (got into the haiku...)
    Fact: I am comforted (because the weather has been so weird) that it is cold and windy today because it is more like spring.
    Dream: I wish it was hot again.

  8. drip. drip. drip. drip. drip.
    water from the sky falling
    mud EV-ER-Y-Where!

    two bathrooms now clean
    chores getting done on Monday
    floors swept and vacuumed

    I cleaned two bathrooms.
    That is my fact. My dream is
    Arizona trip.

    (Actually, that is coming up soon, but not as sunny and pleasant as one would think.)

    Going to visit
    my dad in Arizona
    soon, before he croaks.

    (Sorry, poor taste... but I just came from reading about spring PEEPERS and I've got frogs on the brain!)

  9. Fact; Sunny but cool and windy...down to 20's tonight.

    Dream: Warm weather again and perhaps a little rain?

  10. I'm a day behind, please forgive me.
    Fact: My room is freezing, and yet, go out my door, completely different temperature. I love my bay windows, but during the winter, they are not grand.
    Dream: can't go into specifics, but I really truly hope that my intuition is not off and that things will only get better from this point on......

  11. Very late, but I felt I should inform you that bears do not in fact sh!t in the woods. At least not in certain northern areas in Canada, where they prefer to go under the apple tree in the yard.
