Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Monet down the river from our place.....

(new pottery by Gary Rith...sharks chasing crocs chasing sharks!)

I was done with the work Tuesday and totally had cabin fever. It is not as hot as last week, but just beautifully sunny, so Penny and left for the hike and to pick up the wife at her office....
Cornell has thousands of acres (I have heard that the largest landowner in NY state is NY state, and the second largest is Cornell University...we are surrounded by Cornell woods, gardens, farms, forests......)....and we went to a pathway I had not been on before, down the river from our house. We ended up by the Monet bridge...well, I think they call it a suspension bridge, but it is this pretty curved wooden thing over Fall Creek that looks like a Monet painting......soooo pretty, soooo lucky to be able to do this.....


  1. Haiku for today:

    The hole in my yard
    I escape to the Monet Bridge
    My troubles bubble under it

  2. good golly Joe, you guessed it!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Simply breath taking. And a great Haiku from Joe, yay.

  4. you are so lucky to be surrounded by such a beautiful landscape that you can escape to!

  5. Beautiful walk and bridge. Love the sharks and crocs!

  6. Lovely...and I can imagine the brisk temps to go with a walk along the wouldn't want it to be hot and muggy after all! (PS, I answered your comment about my sons ...does that go directly to you, or is it buried in my comments?)

  7. There's a bridge here, near Frank's place which looks pretty much like yours and Monet's. I'll have to photograph it for you sometime. Too bad I didn't see this earlier. I was at the brige today.

  8. Very pretty. It hasnt' gotten cold again here yet. I have a feeling it's only a matter of time. It can't stay nice all spring can it?! No way.

  9. The slacker edition was made for me! Here goes.

    There once was a woman named Heidi
    Whose quaint house was not very tidy.
    "I long for a maid
    Who need not be paid
    But will do all the cleaning beside me."

  10. Love smalltownme's limerick!

    That tree has a heart at its base, and your suspension bridge looks like ours (except with much less water underneath).
