Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Introducing Rumpole and Winnie, or what were you doing at 3:10 Christmas morning????

Suzanne is like "you weren't really working at 3:10 Christmas morning, were you?" and the answer to that, as anybody from Santa's workshop knows, or toy designers or potters with a new idea is
"Of course I was working. A new product line for Christmas NEXT year".

Not literally. But I was messing around with painting my teddy bears onto pots. This was the thinking:
Last week I was thinking "my bear Rumpole in the pink sweater, that would be fun to draw...." and I drew him over and over and over, and wanted him on a child's teaset...and then I begin thinking
"Tell the Rumpole story...and Winnie....sell cards....calendars....!!!!!" then I realize, why stop there? Why not do the same with Penny and Spike?
Anyway, Rumpole was truly an orphan that I found in a snow bank outside a dormitory in 1996....and Winnie, in the green, was filthy and lying in the street last year, as you will recall, in Cooperstown. They make an awesome pair, and I need to write and illustrate their story, don't I?* And then do the same with my pets.....

(new pottery by Gary Rith)
*it would be like, "sure, buy a card for a dollar.....and maybe a teaset for 70....."


  1. Your creativity is amazing! Well done.

  2. Champion Ideas!!! Writing stories might be a good job in the winter when the potter's chilly hands need warming, and illustrating the books, too.

  3. Rumpole and Winnie look like they have found each other. Were they separated at birth? Were they a loving couple who lost each other in a disaster? Looking forward to their story.

  4. You rescue teddy bears? I knew I liked you. Love that little teddy tea pot. A tea set is a great idea!

  5. I love teddies and rescued teddies are even more special. Putting Rumpole and Winnie on a teapot is brilliant, can't wait to see what story and adventures they are going to have! Love the colour of the teapot!

  6. It sound like a true Christmas story to me.

  7. "And the orphan bears lived happily ever after...."
    Love this!!!

  8. So sweet of you to rescue those bears. :)
