Sunday, December 18, 2011

gettin' Chrismassy :)

You will recall that our mail is only delivered at our little PO in this town, and that it is so utterly small that, well, my beagle gets mail there too. Dog treats in the box. There are days I HAVE no mail, but my beagle always does...and here she is, showing off our personal Stonehenge again, with some of the snow we got Saturday which puts you in that holiday mood annnnnd
below is the wee corgi across the street, Soupy. We were at their Christmas party last night and Soupy is a star. My beagle would have cleaned the food right off that table, but little Soupy never misbehaves. I gave her all the sausage I wouldn't eat....


  1. Aw, Penny has a friend! Looks like a yummy spread!

  2. A cute ;itt;e giy...looks like fun was had by all. Gosh I've had dogs who are popular at the bank but the post office is a new one.

  3. It's supposed to be a cute little guy!

  4. i have always wanted a corgi... snow looks nice, especially when it's at YOUR house and not mine.
    Happy Holidays!

  5. That's the beauty of a small town.. they leave treats for your dog in the mailbox. That's just priceless. What a couple of sweeties.. Penny and Soupy.

  6. Treats in your p.o box??? I love your town....and Penny looks so funny in that stonehenge photo!!!
    Cocoa And Ozzie would have cleaned the food table as soon as you blinked!
