Tuesday, October 25, 2011

p!ssing off a potter.....

I am totally good natured, calm, quiet, happy, but you want to p!ss me off? Let's say you are a KILN in a glaze firing cycle, just reached 1495 degrees F on the way to 2200 degrees F and you have some kind of MALFUNCTION in the computer firing box. THAT will p!ss off the most even tempered potter.
The stuff inside is fine, just not fired, and I have to take the kiln apart and see what is what...I have spare parts for nearly any breakdown, because, as you know, this kiln breaks down a LOT. One day Santa will bring me a small L and L kiln to replace this piece of sh!t (rhymes with) Taragon kiln....
anyway, I had to get out of the house and chill out so me and my favorite beagle took a schweet hike on the East Ithaca rail trail, came home and made apple sauce with these GInormous apples the wife bought....
have an awesome Tuesday!

**update: kiln repaired and working and hopefully works well all day :)


  1. Crossing my fingers for a good, post-repair firing for you.

  2. It's called the AAAARRRGGGHHHH!!! FACTOR! So glad you got all working again. A walk is always a good way to vent and I bet Penny thinks it is a reward.

  3. I understand your frustration! Glad you had a nice end to your day though. :)

  4. I love Penny's eyes. I've said it before, but it looks like she wears eyeliner.

  5. i hope that someday santa is very good to you... you deserve it.

  6. Santa would need a spare 1500-2000 bucks... :)

  7. I feel your pain. I'm not sure if I have a crap kiln, make crap glazes or just have no idea how to fire the crap manual kiln. I too keep putting a new kiln on the Santa list. Unfortunately this year I think he's giving me a vacuum cleaner. I hope he knows how to use it........

  8. Perhaps Penny had something to do with the breakdown.
    Broke kiln+ beautiful day= walk for Penny!!!

  9. Better p!ssing off a potter than p!ssing on one!

    Nice apples. I just bought a load of little russet apples. You don't often see them these days, but they're little and luscious.

  10. thx on the sweater...some poor little lambies donated the wool to Bennetton and I looooooooove it......

  11. A fall walk with Penny and some humongous apples seem like a nice treat for putting up with a kiln that gives you such grief.

    I'm thinking a nice warm kiln would be just the thing on a cold morning like today. It was 30 degrees outside this morning!

  12. I should also mention that I smile every time that I prepare a cup of cocoa for the boys in your fun mugs. They've been having cocoa most mornings lately. :)

  13. Oh yeah, SH....T always happens, ain't it the truth. It's always something. Hope you can get your new kiln, heard way good things about the L&L Kilns, bummer.
    Love the Penny Perfect photos......:)
