Sunday, October 30, 2011


(teapot by Gary Rith)
Here is the teapot from the set below by itself....
OK, so the convo goes like this, between me and my esteemed haircutter Michelle:
Me: Michelle! BLOND for Halloween, gorgeous!
She: Its just hair!
Me: Have some fun! Speaking of which, I like to roll out of bed and into my life, never thinking about MY hair. Let's go short again. Can I take our picture????
She: Take off your glasses. Sure you can take our picture! Tommy (a mutual friend who reads this and FB) always tells me I am a star on your blog.....
Me: So like I was saying, I am your absolute laziest customer....just clip it so I don't have to think about it until I see you again. Now let's talk pots (Michelle is a potter on the side)
She: I am working like crazy to make Christmas pots....move your head....
Me (tanked on coffee and VERY chatty): WELL, I am doing a teapot competition this winter, which gave me new ideas, and I was making one this morning and I told the wife "this is the best pot I have ever made! Except I already have ideas to make it better...."

Stay tuned......

1 comment:

  1. I am not always a fan of yellow, but this is such a pretty shade combined with the blue. I would enjoy drinking my morning tea out of this. Feels like spring!

    Hope you did not get too much snow.

    Halloween blond? Hmmmm!
