Thursday, September 8, 2011

huge FLOOD!

Hurricane Lee has been messing with us, and dumping on us, and there are wicked floods all over central New York. We have a pretty little river behind our house, and suddenly it has come up several feet in depth and is over the usual banks and spreading. Our house is pretty high, and we are keeping our fingers crossed. It is worse for many people downriver from us, as the land is low and flat in spots further down...this pic from last night, gonna get more pics today....and don't we have some cute pots here too??????

**update later---the river is up to the edge of our yard, higher than ever before, but our house should remain dry....the sheriff has closed all the roads and ordered cars off the roads

****another update, at 11 am---we are personally still dry, the sun is out, the sheriff has re-opened roads :)


  1. she does not indeed!
    Hope all is well

  2. Uh oh! Stay safe up there! (hubby works at Thomas Edison National Historical Park in West Orange)

  3. I hope the river stays out of your house. The creek behind my brother's place (upstate also) became an indoor swimming pool in his basement. Not fun, especially when it was followed by a falling tree. I hope you fare better.

  4. Sending up a prayer that y'all stay high and dry!!!

    Love the work you posted today, too!

  5. Stay dry, keep safe! Loove the mugs and the glaze!

  6. Its fascinating until it gets close and then its just scary! Hang on tight to that dog, in my experience Beagles don't like to swim very much.
