Thursday, September 15, 2011

and suddenly....

It was one of those remarkable things. You are sitting there with the end of the week ahead and the party animal mother-in-law due in from out of town and suddenly there is a last second invite to set up a display for the weekend at a winery. I was like "WELL, OK then! Bring it on!"
I will be set up at Six Mile Creek Vineyards Saturday and Sunday 12-5 and the weather is expected to be AWESOME. Stuff like this teapot just outta the kiln! In other news, julie and Seth got married and went to Mexico and got me a painted SKULL they did indeed....
(new pottery by Gary Rith above, and a friendly Mexican skull from Jules and Sethie below)


  1. Lol! A party animal mother-in-law? Sounds like a blast! Have a good time. :)

  2. hey amigo... party on. good luck at the winery. i see that wee skull working it's way onto your pots somehow.

  3. BEAUTIFUL teapot!

    Oh, lawsy...that skull!

  4. I hope your weekend is perfect.
    I do hope that skull is NOT real!!!
