Thursday, August 4, 2011

probably the biggest cat you have ever seen in your life....

And the sweetest. Spike cat. This week we celebrate his 4th anniversary with us. I was a volunteer at the shelter and for 4 months, of the hundreds of cats, I told people: take this guy Spike home! He is the friendliest of them all! Nobody did. He was charming. Finally, I brought the wife over to introduce to Spike. He came out of the room-cage he was in, with over 15 other cats, and whereas they all ran to the windows or food, he came right to me and looked up sweetly, placing his paws on my leg. The wife was like YES. We ran home to get our carrier. When we got back, again, all the other cats were running around, and Spike JUMPED INTO THE CARRIER, and looked up at me. Saying, clearly, LET'S GO. That night he was so cuddly and happy. I remember him sitting in the window, watching the world go by that night, so pleased to be out of his cage, away from the other cats, smelling the fresh air.....
another volunteer was like "You will change his name won't you?", since he was a stray the shelter had given him the name Spike, but we said "his name is perfect! he is a big sweet bruiser of a cat"


  1. I :heart: Spike. I :heart: Spike's story! How could anyone not?

  2. OMG, the sitting up pictures! I am slayed.
    I love hearing happy shelter adoption stories. I believe the animals adopt us, not the other way around. We just THINK we choose them.
    Happy anniversary, Spike!

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  5. He IS big! Sounds like he was meant to be part of your family. :) Love those kinds of stories.

  6. He's adorable. I love big cats. How much does Spike weigh? My darling Homer is 16-17 lbs and I am supposed to give him fat cat food now, and pumpkin.

  7. Spike = 20 pounds :)
    Thanks for the visits and comments!

  8. Happy birthday/anniversary to SPIKE. He is the biggest AND the cutest. :)

  9. What a great story. Thanks for sharing the Spike story and for sharing Spike. We are currently animal-less and I live vicariously through my online friends pets. Give them a little extra love from me, please.

  10. Spike's story sounds so much like the was we came to have our giant cat (also at least 20 pounds) Gus. He would come running out of the "cat room" at the sound of my voice. I had to take my husband in to meet him to convince him that, yes, we NEEDED another cat. Happy anniversary to Spike and his lucky humans!

  11. I will visit again just to kidnap SPIKE!

  12. Good to see Spike again!

    We just think we organise things....

  13. Cool story of Spike finding you and the Mrs. He is indeed a giant cat.

  14. Ah, Spike! What's not to love. I remember being there when you brought him home from the ASPCA four years ago. As I recall, Emily kitten was less than thrilled but Spike inevitably won her over. How could he not?
