Monday, August 1, 2011

over in Aurora.....

I had to go down to Aurora Sunday and load them up with pots at the Aurora Art and Design Center. It is the absolute BEST gallery and I sell loads of things there, and Saturday August 13 I am a featured artist for the day. Spike was all helpful, sheesh! On the table, next to him, you see my new mac (needs a name, I am thinking Johnny, Ted, Franny, JoJo) and he helped box things too....
Anyway, I am not posting the terrible pic of Jacci I took, she is gallery manager and she would be mad, but Aurora is possibly the prettiest town in New York state, on a lake, just north of our house, soooo wonderful.....


  1. That looks like a great display you have going, and congratulations on being the featured artist for August 13th. I hope you sell tons!

    I think you should name your new computer Jimmy.

    As in Jimmy Mac.

    Jimmy Mac
    Aw Jimmy Mac
    When are you comin' back
    Jimmy Mac
    Aw Jimmy Mac
    You better hurry back
    Need your lovin'

    Old Martha and the Vandella's song:

    Prepare to groove. :-D

  2. Awesome Susan :) now that I think of it though, it is a very big laptop (I think so) and I am a vegan, therefore sick joke = COOL name perhaps: Big MAC!

  3. Johnny Ted Franny JoJo is way too long a name for a computer.

  4. Your pottery looks so pretty in the displays there!!!!
    Spike looks oh so helpful. :}

  5. Good to hear thast you need to replenish the stock there.

    Hmm- it is such a sharp machine, Mac the knife?! (good song and opera too :-) )

  6. Big MAC. I like it.
    That gallery is just the perfect setting for your pottery isn't it? Or maybe it's just that your pottery is perfect anywhere!
