Sunday, August 21, 2011

grand day out at the fair.....

SO, as I said, went to the Groton, NY Olde Home Days thing Saturday. Gosh it was FUN. Its just a tiny little town a couple miles away from home, and I was between my best pals Nance with painted pots and Stevo with the pictures. Nance is a colorful character, and I didn't realize I had gotten so many pics of her..........tres amusing!

Nance above, Stevo's family below...Janet gave Nance a massage...we did sidewalk chalk drawings...holy cats, who invented huge sidewalk chalk? What awesome stuff! people should draw on sidewalks EVERY DAY.


  1. Thanks for doing this Gary- we had fun even if we didn't get rich!

  2. It is fun seeing the kid in you dance and play. I like the sidewalk chalk too. You all look like you are enjoying the day.

  3. What a fun day, to be surrounded by all that creativity. Next time you do something a bit closer to the city, be sure to let me know!

  4. Looks like a lot of fun and even better to share it with friends.

  5. I love your sidewalk chalkings! And Stev-O popping out of the background to wave hi! Looks like it was a fun day!

  6. I NEED to get out there and hang with you cool cats!

  7. I love the wooden boxes with G clamps!! Inspired!!

  8. Everywhere you go, there is a party!!!!!!

  9. Footpath bunting - drawn with chalk and my new favourite thing in the world.
