Saturday, August 6, 2011

blogging anniversary: 5 years?! 5000+ posts.......

I started blobbing five years ago. There are, if you count this blog, the 2 that came before it whose memory I used up plus where I started on Myspace (not sure where that thing went to, it was under another name) there are over 6000 posts total. In the early days, many of those posts were simply Beastie Boys music videos. But, this has been a representative week: every day for five years, 1-3 posts about my pets, pottery, recipes, photos, the little details of my life.

You can click the links at the bottom of this blog to go back in years. I NEVER do. I really don't care what I was doing, where I was going, etc. I like to rely on my memory which is very selective ;)

In early days, I do remember the wife never wanted to be included, but slowly I have worked her in. Also, the only other constant: CM. CM became a friend through my blog on myspace the first day and she still is, and we have all gone to Canada to see her and she has come here. As a matter of fact, I have met DOZENS of bloggers face to face thanks to this, and it is wonderful, so thanks to all of you :)

Dig new pots, fresh outta the kiln.....


  1. Congratulations!
    I'm only a little over 500, going on steadily.

    Blogging has opened up a new world, getting to know people we thought we'd never meet. Then getting to email and meet blogfriends too is marvellous!

  2. Hands down and glasses raised- you have us beat.
    And I am so glad Maude comes along on some of the post.
    You are a lucky man!

  3. Has it really been that long? Although I suppose in the grand scheme of things, five years is but a blink. (Jeez that's profound for this early. Need tea...)

  4. and I feel lucky that I have 68 posts! Wow Gary!

  5. Congrats! Here's to another five!

  6. 6000 posts??? Oy vey.
    Love the new mugs Gary!!!
    Happy blobbaversary.

  7. Happy Bloggaversary from George and I also. We love you and adore your blogs, you have truly changed our lives in so many ways, we so look forward to you making us laugh, and adore seeing all your new wonderful! Thanks for the Blogs, and thousands more to come we hope! :)

  8. Happy Blogversy - Glad we met, Gary. It was nice to meet in person, too!

  9. YAYAYAY! I love your blog and I love you and M so much!! (And those skull mugs are FANTASTICAL!)

  10. I'm so happy you're on you're 5 year of blogging!! Keep pushing your greatness out onto the Internet! And thanks to Maude for being included into our lives. She's a wonderful addition to the entire world! And the Internet!
    (All the pottery is pretty great too.)
