Wednesday, July 27, 2011

peanut butter and jam muffins revisited....

(new pottery by Gary Rith)

A couple of years ago I wanted to find a recipe for muffins not just baked with jam in the middle, but also with peanut butter. I got a very good recipe, but found that just using a muffin pan without papers could result in jam all over, and I also found that yogurt (in my case, soy yogurt) makes a more firm batter, much easier to cover the pb and j inside. PLUS I hate how so many recipes have you pulling every bowl out of the cupboard and dirtying it. I like to bake with one bowl, just adding ingredients, when possible, so here is the recipe as I have experimented and rewritten. It IS AWESOME and healthy and you figure kids love it.

Pb and j muffins

Preheat to 400, line 12 muffin tin with papers—this is KEY

In large mixing bowl, stir 1 egg, 1 cup yogurt and

¼ cooking oil—stir stir stir.

Add one cup whole wheat flour, ¾ cup white flour,

¼ cup sugar, 4 teaspoon baking powder, stir stir stir.

Spoon about 1 tbs mixture onto othe bottom of every muffin

Paper. Spoon jam onto that then spoon peanut butter onto

That. You want to use a lot but don't, be careful, more than a

small spoonful bakes into a mess.

Top each muffin with the remainder of the batter, smooth

Batter to cover jam and pb. Bake about 15-16 minutes

Until golden looking, remove muffins and cool on rack, yum!


  1. Mmm, gotta try these. I like the batter bowl too.

  2. thanks...I like that bowl too, and gave it to meself last month :)

  3. I've bookmarked this page; the recipe looks amazing!
    The frog mugs are adorable!!!

  4. Great pottery, and yummy looking muffins. Gosh, who in the world doesn't love muffins? mmmmm Love the photo of the morning glories, gorgeous, especially flanked by those two flamingos, great color contrast...

  5. i am going to add this one to my "to bake" list!
