Sunday, July 17, 2011

3 hair doos

Georges Le Soq and I had hair appointments with Michelle and the wife Saturday. Trim for me, who knows what all for the wife, and then there was Georges.....Michelle was game, but Georges is a rude French sock monkey and wouldn't take off his beret. He was like
"NO no no! Ees sewn on!" and it is hard to argue with that.
Spike has perfect hair, every day.......


  1. Cats should have perfect hair, the amount of time they spend on it!!

  2. Monkeys throw their own poo, so it's no surprise that Georges would resist a little grooming. You made me laugh this morning. I'll definitely be back. Here via Mrs. G.

  3. Spike can't help it: he's just a handsome devil!

  4. Spike and I both like to sleep all sprawled out.
    I hope Michelle got a good tip!

  5. Why would anyone evair mess with ze perfection that is Georges?

    Or Spike?

  6. Georges looks marvelous already.
