Saturday, June 4, 2011

the wife will be on the road wondering WTF I have been up to....

...and she can check here, of course, and see the whooooole thing. YOU TOO!
The wife is visiting various cousins, aunts, and her mom in the midwest. I think its due to be 97 degrees out there. She is loves ultra-hot weather, she really does.
Anyway, I am home alone.....

...and making groovy pots. I have decided I really like that teapot form. The pitcher behind it is huge. I was working a big pile of clay scraps into something workable and was gonna make bowls, but the clay was just so lovely I made a HUGE pitcher instead.
Below: SPIKE. NO, those are not Birkenstocks. I am NOT a birkenstocks kinda guy, honest! I am an adidas or Doc Marten kinda guy. But my MIL gave me those sandals years ago, from Lands End. If it is super hot I wear them around the house, never OUT of the house. I have fugly toes. Guys: we ALL have fugly toes, so keep them COVERED. The gals are smart, they paint their nails bubblegum pink which is cute. We are not s'posed to do that.

It was a gorgeous 5 pm Friday, work and all done, and I was not hungry so I figured I would EARN that beer and cut the grass first, which is one of those little competitions: if I keep the grass trim and neat, the neighbors' yard looks like sh!t.....did I just say say that? That sounds competitive and mean. But I really DO enjoy cutting the property line: our side, tidy and short, and theirs????? Anyway, Buster and Penny both like ale too....

I woke up the other day thinking 'my underglaze painted cups need decoo of a certain type, like checkerboard!' One side of the left mug is a bunny, the back is a beagle pulling on a leash trying to get the bunny. The right mug has a nervous mouse in front and a calculating cat on back....

speaking of beagles and calculating cats.....well, Spike is super loving, Penny is a clown. With the wife gone, they figure the bed is THEIRS.


  1. What Spike and Penny know:

    "THE (Wife) CAT'S AWAY..."

  2. I would support you painting your toenails, Gary!! Maybe a nice jade?

  3. You could draw those cute little mug animals on the toenails......

  4. Animals take advantage of every opportunity for sure! hahahahaha! :)

  5. Wonderful pottery and you make the process look soooo simple. I'm subscribed to your YouTube channel and I'm following your blog. I'm off to favorite your Etsy shop.

    Regards, Mari
