Thursday, June 16, 2011


Kasey is like "Plank it! Put yourself in the picture, facedown somewhere, and post it! But don't go lie down in the highway"
That was the first thing I did, really! Lie down in the highway. Useless. 3 dump trucks went by, and I crept out onto the roadway, took 2 useless and unrecognizeable photos, then went inside. it was an adrenaline rush, lying in the highway, too bad it was so hard to get a photo. But I had better ideas cooking....

I went into the studio, stretched out, used the camera on timer.....shows me in my lair. I was settling onto the floor and was like "I don't want my glasses on the dirty floor" and therefore they are cleverly on the back of my was a useful shirt, btw, to be wearing on a planking day: a cat face on the back!

SO, in the evening, the wife got shots of me at the park, with the dog and my rotten french sock monkey, Georges Le Soq. Penny saw a woodchuck, she was not into planking. It is fortunate that it was a double slide, space for me, space for Georges...the wife reminds me this morning I was moaning "take the picture quick, I can't hold this long!" as my stomach was full and I was hanging upside down....

Remember Seinfeld? I swear I memorized that show. One day Kramer becomes a Calvin Klein underwear model and he is strutting around in briefs. Calvin says "his buttocks are sublime". From this angle, perhaps you would agree, my buttocks are sublime.....

The wife was mad this morning to see that I had snuck a picture of her, the photographer, into this blog post. OH WELL!

Our backyard, not planking, you can see the front of my tee.....


  1. Oh, Gary, you are a ray of sunshine in an otherwise dull morning. Great post.

  2. I heard "teapotting" was the new "planking" ;-)

  3. I had a girlfriend years ago who did an informal study of the male ass on escalators all over Chicago: Levi's cradled the male ass the best. Therefore, my sublime buttocks go old school, most of the time, in Levi's.

  4. I dunno....the whole fad falls a little flat for me...


  5. Fun! Glad to see Georges joined in on all the excitement. He's never one to miss an opportunity to show his butt, is he? HAHA!

    It looks like Penny is howling about planking!

  6. I thought the top photo was you getting ready for the chalk outline. (ha) Good to see you were only planking. As I would say to my boys, "Stay OFF the road!" We would miss you if you turned into a Flat Stanley (or Flat Gary in this case.)

  7. hahahahahahhaa! I don't know what to say! I am just glad you did not employ a "speedo" or "thong" in the process. Just be careful that no hobos see you! They might get the wrong idea...hahahhahaha!
    Just kidding, love the blog and your lightheartedness....your a great cousin! :)

  8. LOL! You're hilarious, Gary. These pictures gave me a serious case of the chuckles. ;-)

  9. Is "Planking" short for "Face Plant?" ;-)

  10. Gary-
    You continue to crack me up on a daily basis and I am continually grateful.

    I agree with your friend's study of Levis and men's sublime buttocks. I encourage all my men to wear them (All my men. I like that).

    I still heart your cat the most of all your pets, but don't tell the others. Or George.

  11. Sublime!!!! I love Seinfeld too. You are so all the photos. Glad you nixed the highway idea!!!

  12. I remember the Seinfeld episode where Kramer was wearing no underwear- which he announces to Seinfeld. Seinfeld responds, "So the only thing that stands between me and you (it?) is a thin piece of gaberdine!"

    Susan L

  13. Love it! Georges is natural for planking!
