Sunday, June 12, 2011

burning down the house....

Like the Talking Heads said,
last night I was done with the work and watched Blazing Saddles when Chris and Trevor across the street call. It had stopped raining, there were beers and an enormous bonfire. We were up rather late.....all wives were elsewhere, this was man's work, scratching bellies, talking frisbee golf, burping and being silly...
Trevor happens to be a firefighter. He was still in part of his uniform from the day. He tells me "firefighters LOVE having fires, burning things up". Potters too....Chris was chasing me around with my own camera for a while there, but these 3 humiliating pics of self are enough :)


  1. Ha love the fire pit pics! I do miss having a fire, we are not allowed them here.

  2. That looks like it was a huge fire - what were you burning - the neighbors shed?

  3. Good job! Good job! A pow wow! Now this is serious man fun for sure! Should of found hobo or two to tie up and terrify...hahahahhaha! :) Great photos, love these....:)

  4. What? No pictures of howling at the moon?

    (You should have invited Penney)

  5. You should have brought a pot to fire
