Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Gary + Fitz and the Tantrums = true love 4 evah

(new pottery by Gary Rith)

You can dig these gorgeous new pots. Jacci down at the gallery in Aurora is like "MORE animals on there!" and I am like "dang, its hard enough getting 2 on there, plus, I would get bored with more than 2 per"

Fitz and the Tantrums 'Moneygrabber' = totally my song of summer 2011. Remember summer of 1985, you were always waiting for Tears for Fears 'SHOUT' to come on the radio? NO???? I was waiting, and this year, its FITZ. Back in 85, me and my friends would make up new lyrics for 'Shout' like "TROUT TROUT, these are the fish I sing about...."


  1. ha ha ha ha... TROUT, that's great. jeffy is always changing song lyrics too. he has a whole repertoire of altered songs that the potters sang while making pots for salmon falls stoneware in NH.

  2. Gorgeous pots Gary, I am still thinking about summer songs, oh so way many! :)

  3. I loved weird Al- remember when he made up all new lyrics for songs? wonder what he is up to these days.
    Those animals look like they are sliding down the pots!FUN!

  4. Those are so cute.
    I love BOTH of those songs!!!!!

  5. oh I LOVE the little beagle clinging to the pot for dear life!!!
