Tuesday, May 31, 2011

the eve of the best day of the year!

(new pottery by Gary Rith)
Glorious weekend, eh? The wife is out poking around in the yard here, wild purple phlox just opening up, surrounding our purple house with purple!
June 1, BTW, is my favorite day of the year.....


  1. And why is June 1st your favorite day of the year?
    It is supposed to be 97 degrees, with a "real feel" of 107 F. Emphasis on the F.

  2. Looking forward to finding out WHY tomorrow is such a Day to Remember, oh man of mystery.

  3. It's my Aunt's birthday, good day to be a favorite. I can't wait to find out why it's yours.

  4. Gorgeous, gorgeous, photos, and gorgeous pottery! This is a great post...for us it's all about the fun! Eliminate the fun factor and we get out of Dodge...Have a fun filled June, and everyday! :)

  5. Hmm June 1st my hubby's birthday!
    Sweet flowers and awesome ele teapot!

  6. You're favorite day of the year comes the day before my favorite day of the year!

  7. no birthdays, BUT although there is plenty of good weather in Sept and May, June 1-Sept 1 = THE VERY BEST 3 months of weather each year. I get SO excited on June 1! 3 great months ahead!

  8. beautiful gardens at your purple house!

  9. Today is June 1st! Hope you have a great day - also love those elephant handles so cute!
