Sunday, May 22, 2011

biking the FULL MONTY

Me and the wife had the most gorgeous morning to bike, and off we went! My friends who have teased me all year about all the snow will see why we love it here, just gorgeous. The FULL MONTY is when we combine 2 rides with a little road in between to make one big ride, about 2 1/2 hours for us, around Ithaca, starting at Cornell Arboretum and then over to the East Ithaca Rail Trail and up Tudor Park.


  1. Looks like a great way to spend the day.. spring has finally sprung. Love the white bleeding hearts .. complete with bee.

  2. Holy cow! That is a HUGE bee in the last photo! :)

  3. You guys had sunny weather??? Bah! We had clouds and rain and chill.

  4. Oh, your flowering trees are still flowering. They're beautiful. Ours are at the fully green stage and we missed most of the dogwood and azaleas because of a vacation. Oh, well, there's always next year. looks gorgeous up there.

  5. Oh what a grand way to spend the day. Wonderful photos! Thanks for posting them. So glad to see Maude with such a lovely smile. Her smile is the best! :)

  6. You must dream of that bike ride all winter! It's stunning.
