Sunday, March 20, 2011


Well, no, not actually, but that is a clever drawing, eh? I had drawn Garyzilla and sent it to kasey with an article about ketchup haters in New York. For the record, I live in New York and I was in New York city yesterday and was cheerfully served ketchup (photos Monday!), so Kasey, we are NOT all ketchup bigots.


  1. People like you are what give me hope, Gary. People that can get over their prejudices and problems and just let ketchup lovers live their life!

    I'm ever so grateful to you for bringing this problem to my attention. I know where not to eat when I get to NYC! Life is all about a-hole avoidance, when possible.

  2. Ketchup is great stuff! Prefer it to many so called gourmet items. I mean really, some of that garbage they eat, and pay a weeks salary is baffling to me.
    Pass me the Tater Tots, and load up the Ketchup. Would deliberately do that when I was a kid to see some gourmets make faces.
    Ketchup love it, or be a "snobby puke face", we love it too!
    Ketchup lovers unite! :)

  3. Just because of this post, I am now considering heating up some tater tots and dipping them in ketchup. I could call it brunch, right?
