Thursday, February 10, 2011

the beautiful, the badass, the just plain BAD....

(teapot by Gary Rith)
I know, gorgeous yellow teapot up there, eh? First item I have made and fired at the Cornell Ceramics studio this semester, where I am an instructor. I made the bottom too thin on this piece. I repaired it. Did not work out too well......teapots are not s'posed to pour out of a hole in the BOTTOM.
(I thought this was funny, and in pottery, stuff HAPPENS sometimes)

Badass skull mug, just outta the kiln, on sale at my online gallery now....


  1. Love the teapot on top of the teapot (lid). :-)

    I can't believe you made a mistake with that. No way. Not GR...

    Happy "tomorrow is FWFD of the Week!!!!!!!!"

  2. Oh gosh, that is funny! Like I haven't done that lol :) That is the fun of pottery, one just never lol :)

  3. Opps, glad to know this stuff happens to all of us.
