Tuesday, January 4, 2011

I wouldn't trust this guy....

1996, me, my stache, my stache on a mug I made.....
in other news, Alita tells me she made Penny a purple tutu and you can see she is tres excited!


  1. Yeah, I trust this guy except...one never knows when one might end up in his blog ;)

    Can't wait to see Penny in her new purple tutu.

  2. I love that photo...stache and all. Yeah for Penny!

  3. I wouldn't trust him. He looks like he might steal all your pots the second you turn your head. He is hugging that one just a little too hard!

  4. I make it a point never to trust anyone with a mustache.

  5. Whoa... how many photos, do you think, are roaming around out there of you with a STACHE? ;)

  6. LOL love this blog and adore the photo. Looks like someone with a pottery fetish! lol lol :) What a great photo! Oh that silly Penny, I love her so! Someone bought our daughter's pug Buttercup a really beautiful, fancy, rhinestone collar for Christmas. When my daughter went to put it on her it was too small. Buttercup immediately got panicky when she saw the collar go back into the box, and suffered extreme despair, and was so wounded by the ordeal. lol lol :) I think it was because our daughter at first held it up, and when Buttercup saw everyone's reaction to it she immediately fell in love with it! lol lol :) I would be afraid to see her with a beloved tu tu, no living with her for sure! :)

  7. Haha, what an idea (to put your stache on a mug). That pizza in your header looks awefully good! If they would make 'em in restaurants like that I would eat them!
    Wishing you and yours a very happy New Year!

  8. Gary, did you used to be in a Barbershop Quartet?

  9. Can I have some 'tots?
