Tuesday, December 28, 2010

babies yesterday, going goth metal today?

(pottery by Gary Rith)
You know I have wide interests. People think I am this puppy dog and baby and kitten lover, and I am! But people wonder where this badass heavy metal dark side comes from? I think my brand of badass is fun and cuddly, in its way. A person has to sprinkle a few cute skulls into their life, here and there.
Pics above showing some small mug shapes I have been working on and then I have been trying to get that teapot together--its a lot of pieces! You see the working doodle for it on my calendar from last week...I think the cups will go well with the teapot, which will be glazed the same....

Dig these goth skull goblets. They could be YOURS, for sale now at my etsy shop!

Golly this is a great tune...not exactly wholsome and uplifting, but fits today's theme, eh?


  1. Love that teapot... It's kinda Alice in Wonderlandy or, if you must go goth, a great prop for Tim Burton movie. It's quite wonderful!

  2. Ooooohhhh scary skulls. Oh, sweet and fluffy kitties and puppies. :)
    Have a great day Gary!

  3. Wicked bad stuff you have going there! Cups, teapot, goblets...all great. And Rob Zombie to boot!
