Thursday, November 25, 2010

"you're a blogger, not a logger"

Went to Purity Ice Cream Wednesday: Sundaes for lunch. Good lord that is tasty.
I read something snarky last week about young urban hipsters sporting the "neo-logger look" and I tell the wife
"I havn't shaved in a couple of days, whee! Its the neo-logger look!" and she is NOT impressed and tells me
"you're a BLOGGER not a logger". I read in People magazine that 85 percent of British women like HAIRY MEN. I guess I am very big in Britain right now....
This being, of course, a vegetarian household, the only Thanksgiving turkey is going to the cats.
I delight in being a non-traditionalist bohemian anarchist, and the only thing I like to do on holidays is keep sh!t QUIET. I like quietude.
So, we were gonna make pizza for Thanksgiving, but then I am thinking maybe burritos and pineapple, and later maybe spaghetti-pizza pie. I might be convinced to make an apple pie, but definately I am making triple chocolate cookies, and the wife is thawing out last summer's berries and making 2 batches of jam.
More sundae.....

Me and the visiting SIL went to Taughannock State Park and Falls Wedsnesday. It was cold but utterly beautiful and spectacular, what a treat, just a few miles down the road....
we all like GAMBLING so we break out the piggy and the cards and the pennies...and Spike is like "ME TOO!"

(teapot by Gary Rith)
New stuff at my online etsy shoppe: you gotta get you some!


  1. why can't you be both a blogger and logger - just sayin' its feasible ;)

    have a wonderful thanksgiving!

  2. Some great photos here. I'm amused that the cats get their turkey dinner. :)

    Wishing you and yours a wonderful Thanksgiving.

  3. You should sculpt a Turkey using only :) Like your Bohemian look with the unshaven face. See we really are :) Great photos, and a wonderful blog....

  4. Ah, you've got Spike gambling now! Watch out, he might win a 2nd turkey dinner! :)
    Love the picture from the falls, so different now than in the summer. Thanks again for sending us there!

    Go for the apple pie and have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
